During the nearly three months since the project kickoff meeting in Helsinki, my main objective has been to become acquainted with the latest research on mobility, which is the main focus of WP1. I have been searching for and organizing publications based on the data used, time and location scale, and connections between authors. This process helped me establish a starting point for determining what qualifies as innovative in the field of urban mobility and what we should strive for.
In addition to analyzing publications, Ossi Kotavaara and I have been having productive meetings with Telia representatives. We’ve been discussing mobility indicators that use Telia Crowd Insights mobile phone tracking. We’re also exploring ways to utilize more precise data from Telia for better analysis of urban mobility patterns.
Lastly, we have been working on an abstract for the Transport Research Arena (TRA2024) conference, which is the largest conference in Europe focused on transport and mobility. The conference will be held in Dublin in April 2024 and has a highly relevant theme for our work: “Transport Transitions: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility.”
Figure caption: Mobility themed publications with reference connections (visualized in researchrabbitapp.com)
Marton Magyar